Coronavirus: New variants are causing growing concern in Africa

    IMAGE COPYRIGHT /AFP/ Specialised staff and materials are needed for genomic sequencing

    Experts believe the spread of new coronavirus variants in Africa has contributed to an increase in both cases and deaths reported in many countries on the continent.

    There’s also concern that these variants can’t easily be tracked because the testing required to identify them isn’t widely available.

    What’s happening with variants?

    Most countries on the continent have experienced a second wave of the pandemic and some, such as Kenya, Egypt and Tunisia, have seen a third wave.

    This new wave of infections is thought to be partly associated with the emergence of some variants that are more transmissible.

    Uganda is the first country on the continent to confirm the presence of a variant first identified in India late last year. It was identified in a sample taken from a traveller from India in late March.

    The WHO says preliminary analysis shows this variant has had a “higher growth rate than other circulating variants in India, suggesting potential increased transmissibility.”

    A new variant of the virus emerged in South Africa last year, and contributed to record case numbers in the southern African region, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Medic writing notes at hospital near Cape Town.
    IMAGE COPYRIGHT /AFP/ South Africa has had the most cases on the continent

    Elsewhere in Africa, this variant had been recorded in Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, Comoros, DR Congo, eSwatini, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Libya, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

    Over the past week, four more countries – Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Madagascar and Togo – have confirmed presence of the variant.

    It’s highly likely to have reached other countries on the continent, but few have the capacity to carry out the specialised genomic sequencing required to detect coronavirus variants.

    In Nigeria, scientists have also identified a new variant of the virus, although there is currently no evidence to indicate it is contributing to increased transmission.

    The variant was identified in a sample collected in late November from a patient in Lagos state, and has been detected in four other states in the country.

    Twenty countries have also reported presence of a Covid-19 variant first identified in the UK.

    The WHO and the African Centres for Disease Control launched a network of laboratories last year to try to boost the continent’s capacity to identify these variants.

    It said the emergence of new, and more contagious variants “reinforced the need to step up genomic surveillance.”

    This involves analysing the code of the virus to understand its genetic makeup.

    However, a recent article in The Lancet pointed out that while efforts were underway to expand this type of work, there were issues around funding, as well as shortages of reagents and staff with the skills required.

    What’s happening to case numbers?

    Over the past month, new cases across the continent declined by 0.3%, according to the CDC.

    However, the number of deaths rose by 3%.

    New cases have been rising in north and east Africa (in countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, Egypt,Libya and Tunisia), but dropping in south and west Africa.

    “Africa is not out of the woods yet, and complacency is not an option at this time,” says the head of immunisation at the WHO Africa office, Richard Mihigo.

    Most countries have launched Covid-19 immunisation campaigns, but there are still a few countries yet to roll out or even acquire vaccines.

    And many countries have concentrated on priority groups such as healthcare workers in the initial vaccination phase.

    Death rates have been rising

    During the first stage of the pandemic, Africa’s overall fatality rate – the proportion of those with Covid who then die – was lower than elsewhere in the world.

    There were a number of theories put forward as to why that might be the case, such as the relatively younger population, and possible cross-immunity from other coronaviruses.

    Coffin being carried by funeral workers in Zimbabwe
    IMAGE COPYRIGHT GETTY IMAGES/ AFP/ Funeral workers prepare for a burial near Harare, Zimbabwe

    But the Africa CDC has now warned about rising fatality rates in the continent, saying that of the 55 countries they monitor, 21 are now reporting fatality rates above the current global average of 2.2%.

    The fatality rate for Africa has crept up since July last year when it was on average 2.1% – to 2.7% in April this year (measured over the duration of the pandemic).

    The global fatality rate has fallen since the start of the pandemic, which in itself would put more African countries above the global average.

    And fatality rates are also affected by how much testing is done – a country with low levels of testing will show a higher death rate because many non-fatal Covid cases are going undetected.

    data in detail

    *Deaths per 100,000 people

    New Cases

    South Africa 54,148 93.7 1,575,471
    Egypt 13,049 13.3 222,523
    Tunisia 10,304 89.1 300,342
    Morocco 8,992 25.0 509,363
    Ethiopia 3,551 3.3 252,279
    Algeria 3,207 7.6 120,922
    Libya 2,996 44.9 175,286
    Kenya 2,622 5.1 156,787
    Sudan 2,300 5.5 33,673
    Nigeria 2,062 1.1 164,719
    Zimbabwe 1,557 10.8 38,086
    Zambia 1,246 7.2 91,358
    Malawi 1,147 6.3 34,016
    Senegal 1,102 7.0 40,135
    Cameroon 991 3.9 65,998
    Mozambique 807 2.7 69,665
    Ghana 777 2.6 92,166
    DR Congo 756 0.9 29,576
    Somalia 698 4.7 13,670
    Botswana 691 30.7 45,855
    Eswatini 671 59.1 18,442
    Namibia 625 25.5 47,776
    Madagascar 599 2.3 35,746
    Angola 579 1.9 25,609
    Mali 467 2.4 13,627
    Mauritania 454 10.3 18,257
    Uganda 341 0.8 41,655
    Rwanda 330 2.7 24,593
    Lesotho 316 15.0 10,728
    Ivory Coast 282 1.1 45,852
    Cape Verde 203 37.3 22,349
    Niger 191 0.9 5,191
    Gambia 173 7.6 5,857
    Mayotte 169 65.1 19,849
    Chad 169 1.1 4,770
    Burkina Faso 156 0.8 13,263
    Comoros 146 17.5 3,829
    Congo 144 2.7 10,678
    Réunion 141 16.0 19,343
    Guinea 140 1.1 21,953
    Gabon 138 6.5 22,433
    Djibouti 136 14.2 10,802
    Togo 121 1.5 12,787
    South Sudan 114 1.0 10,532
    Equatorial Guinea 107 8.2 7,559
    Benin 97 0.8 7,720
    Central African Republic 85 1.8 6,224
    Liberia 85 1.8 2,097
    Sierra Leone 79 1.0 4,044
    Guinea-Bissau 67 3.6 3,726
    Sao Tome and Principe 35 16.6 2,298
    Seychelles 26 26.8 5,284
    Tanzania 21 0.0 509
    Mauritius 16 1.3 1,206
    Eritrea 10 0.3 3,605
    Burundi 6 0.1 3,853

    This information is regularly updated but may not reflect the latest totals for each country.

    ** The past data for new cases is a three day rolling average. Due to revisions in the number of cases, an average cannot be calculated for this date.

    Source: Johns Hopkins University, national public health agencies and UN population data

    Figures last updated: 26 April 2021, 09:13 BST

    More importantly, data for deaths should be treated with caution, given the wide variations in how countries record them.

    In South Africa, research into excess deaths – that’s the number of deaths in a certain period above what would normally be expected – shows that there were 153,668 more deaths between 6 May last year and 10 April this year.

    The official death toll from Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic is just above 53,000.

    And South Africa was just one of eight countries on the continent that the BBC found in a recent investigation had adequate death registration systems.

    So coronavirus deaths across Africa as a whole are likely to be under-recorded.

    There are wide variations in testing rates and while some countries have reduced testing, others have maintained or even increased it at different points during the pandemic.