Once a base of operations for the South African Defence Force, it was time for Oshakati, the regional capital of Namibia to receive the grace of God that brings salvation!

In July 2019, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, the great healing Evangelist and Mega church pastor arrived in the beautiful country of Namibia. For three nights, hundreds and thousands thronged to the crusade grounds to hear the words of the Lord Jesus Christ.. “Fear not, for I am with you”

The fields were overcome with the overflowing power of God which brought healings and miracles! The move of lightning around the waist to heal the paralysed! The breath of air to deliver the demon possessed! The shouts of joy of the saints! Heaven surely must have heard!

Many are the miracles of Jesus but whew! when a man is raised from the dead!, that must be the greatest wonder! This was the highlight of the Oshakati crusade. A dead woman, whose body was nowhere near the crusade grounds was brought to life by the power of the Holy Ghost.

The faith of the daughter of this woman, who confessed that the Holy Spirit of God had directed her to the crusade, revealed that her mother had died at 3 p.m. at home. For seven hours, attempts by her family to bring her to life proved futile. While at the crusade, she kept communicating with her family and for several hours her mother was still cold, lifeless, dead!

It was not until she got home, at exactly 10 p.m. that her mother, who was declared dead at 3p.m. began to breathe again! She was raised to life by the power of God through the ministration of Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills! Only the Love of Jesus can do this! It is only by His Spirit!
A man is sent by God to men to bring and restore the joy of salvation. With a longing to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ beyond the borders of Ghana, Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills’ obedience to Namibia restored joy unto a grieving family!

What great wonders the Lord worked in Oshakati!
What great miracles!
It was indeed the Lord’s doing and oh, how marvelous it was in the eyes of all who witnessed!
Glory to God!
By Maria Iyambo